Friday, March 13, 2009

celebrities from gwyneth's point of view

we've had celebrities on the brain lately (due to our close encounter with one at disneyworld).  this has made for some interesting discussions between me and my children.  i guess i may have done too good of a job at persuading them that they do not want to become 'stars' in the hollywood sense of things.  this is what gwyneth said tonight:  "i bet that the number of famous girls that get married to someone who is normal and nice and not famous and loves them for true love and not for being rich is exactly one."  i have to say she's probably right.


Annette said...

That's cute!

Karalee said...

Funny. They won't dare be rich and famous, I guess.

Mattson Family said...

smart girl!!

Unknown said...

Sadly, I totally agree with her.

sara said...

What a good Mom you are Laura...teach em now!

Ellie said...

Is there one specific one she is thinking of? I can't figure out who that would be.

Joanne said...

Ha ha! You have taught them well! And as mom would say, your girls are "wise beyond their years." They always seem to be making super mature statements, and for some reason it cracks me up.

(it looks like we're checking blogs at the same time. fun.)