I am: a reading-swimming-hiking-trip loving-yoga doing mom
I know: The Church is true
I want: too many things--a piano and another vacation top the list (along with another purse, which is always a need)
I have: a fabulous husband and great kids
I dislike: being sick, a messy house, cranky kids
I miss: my sisters, my mom (ok, my dad and brothers, too), and all my california friends. i'm getting ready to miss my virginia friends
I feel: good about life
I hear:the dishwasher and loren reading to the kids
I smell: the chocolate cookies i just ate (2nd one today--thanks for the recipe, liza)
I crave: something sweet almost always
I cry: not so much, but sometimes
I search: for the perfect purse and comfy high heels
I wonder: when we'll move to florida
I regret: not spending enough time with my kids
I love: lobee, gwynnie, liesel, madeline, gretchy, pace boy
I care: too much about what other people think
I worry: that I'm not teaching my kids all they need to know
I remember: how lonely it was when loren was gone; having fun on family vacations
I believe: in a loving Savior who died for me
I dance: secretly in the kitchen while i'm cooking when nobody's around
I argue: with myself and loren sometimes
I write: to-do lists
I win:hardly ever. i stink at games
I lose: my mind at about 6:00 every night
I wish:i was never impatient
I listen: to whatever the kids turn on on itunes when they get home from school
I can usually be found: at home or at costco
I am scared: of spiders. and mice. and the dark. and men hiding in the back of my car (which hasn't ever happened, but might at any moment). and snakes. and sharks and alligators now that i'm moving to florida.
I need: to enjoy the moments of motherhood
I forget: people's names and visiting teaching appointments i've made
I am happy: being a mom
I tag: the rest of my sisters who "didn't have time" for bekah's tag, either. come on girls, you can do it. and any friends who feel so inclined to be tagged!