Wednesday, May 23, 2012

well, hello

has it really been since december that i posted?!  what the heck-of-a-doodle.  (to quote pace).  so, i've decided there is going to be no back-blogging here.  just a clean fresh start.  i will leave you all wondering  what in the world we were up to from december through may.  and you (and i) will just have to deal with it.

my friend in virginia (hi--you know who you are) had a great idea to play catch-up on the blog without technically back-blogging.  i am going to copy her idea and write a post about each of the kids (and possibly myself, too and loren(?) if i ever make it that far).  so, today we will start with the bub of all bubs.


he decided to turn out rather high maintenance (sort of/maybe/probably the reason for the lack of posts lately) and is needing physical and occupational therapy for a whole host of issues (low muscle tone, poor muscle memory, poor motor planning, speech delays, and eating problems).  the GOOD news, though, is that he improves pretty much every week, learning something new or strengthening a skill he already had.  he can finally crawl, cruise around on furniture, and has recently started being able to walk behind a push toy.  his therapists are hopeful that he will be walking by the time he turns two.  he is also learning some WORDS (hooray, hooray, hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and has actually held onto about 6 words for two weeks now: up, bye, orange, shoe, school, night-night,'s kind of a random list, i know.  oh, he can also say banana when he wants to.

he is a super cute baby, though, and i love him to death in spite of himself.  here's a little more info on the bubness:  he has just decided he likes being sung to, and singing to him in the car and while i'm changing his diaper is the only thing that keeps him happy.  he also LOVES to go outside (it REALLY makes me miss florida, i just gotta say.)  when it does stop raining he is so happy to go out on the swing or sit on the trampoline.  he also really, really likes oranges.  and he turns my kitchen into a total sticky disaster when he eats them.  he likes swimming, too (we go once a week to an indoor pool).  he's so funny in his swim tube--he can mostly keep himself upright, but when he does start to fall forward and he knows his face is going under, he just closes his eyes and blows bubbles and waits for me to rescue him.  which reminds me, sometimes he can say "bubbles" also.  bath time is also a favorite of his.  so is getting into mischief of all kinds.  at least now he shakes his head when he knows he's getting into trouble.........too bad knowing he's not supposed to do it doesn't make him not do it.

so, there you have it.  one post down, 7 more to go.  easy-peasy, right?


Diane said...

What a perfect catch up solution, and a perfect start.I look forward to the rest (but no pressure - I know how that goes.)

Annette said...

I'm glad you're (not) catching up on the last several months! I've been wondering if you stopped blogging and hoping you didn't.

Poppy said...

Yeah! So glad to see you back...can't wait to see what life is like for the Seattle Allens!

Kelly said...

Yea! I'm glad you're back too. I check in often to check to see if you've posted something. Loved reading about Maxwell - he's a cutie - and can't wait to read what everyone else has been up to also.
(on a totally unrelated note, my brother's family is moving to Leesburg in a neighborhood right behind Spring Lakes. It sort of makes me miss that area)

Penny said...

Thank you Laura! Love it!

Penny said...

Thank you Laura! Love it!

Ellie said...

Yea! We can do this! I've done 3 posts in the last week, but one of them doesn't count in the one for each kid so I still have at least 4 more to do. I hadn't thought of doing posts for Jeff and me. I don't think I'll go there, but you never know. Maybe I'll do something really cool that will be blog-worthy. I'm going to try to do one more post before the weekend is over, so check back in. Now that I've said it I'm accountable. :-)

Megan said...

Yeah! You're back! It was so fantastic to see you and why don't you just move back here? It would make my life much better.

kira said...

Yay! I missed your posts :) I miss you too. You are a fun mom, and basically a superhero. just so you know.

Emily said...

Yeah! So glad you're back and LOVED seeing you last month. You're quite honestly amazing.

Betsy said...

Yay Laura!