Friday, December 9, 2011

all in a day's work

pace has been asking me for a while when i'm going to get around to hanging stuff up in his room.
today he decided to take decorating matters into his own hands. he was busy upstairs for a long time. when he came back down, he was super excited and wanted me to come see how he'd decorated his room. he kept saying "it's just so awesome, mom. you're gonna love it. you'll be so surprised!"

this is the first item of decor: a pen taped to the wall, with a blank paper taped next to it. "so i can write my calendar and draw stuff if i need to."

next, a blue ornament (gifted by gretchy, who got it from school), hanging next to a blanket artfully draped in the door crack of the closet.
another artfully draped blanket, arranged under a jewelry box stolen from madeline.
and, tadaaaaa! "mom, look, bet you didn't even know it............a necklace!" hidden under the blanket and attached to the dresser with a climbing hook.
one more blanket on display. draped over the fan.

and this has nothing to do with decorating, but it does have to do with how things are different around here since we've had a boy. this is now considered to be an appropriate way to say family prayers.

and we have the traveling nativity.


Diane said...

I think my house looks like Pace decorated it.

Boys are an element all their own!

Marian said...

i love it!! that's the best decorated room i've ever seen. and i love the way he kneels for family prayer. i probably shouldn't show that to my kids so they don't get any ideas.

Poppy said...

How fun...he's getting so old looking. We need more updates! glad to know you are still alive!

Ellie said...

It's hard to believe how big Pace is. It has been way too long since we have seen you! He and Rachel have the same idea of what it means to be reverent.

Joanne said...

I read this the other day and couldn't comment because I was nursing Cindy, but also because I was laughing so hard!! Every picture was cracking me up - it was even funnier because I had already talked to you about it, and then seeing the pictures again was just too funny. I can't decide which is my favorite - the paper and pen taped up, or the blankets draped all around (they reminded me of when my girls "decorated" our house by covering the stairs with blankets and necklaces). Anyway, he is too cute. I love how excited he was to show you. Also love the prayer position and traveling nativity. Little boys are the best.

Catherine said...

My boys employ the same prayer position. I didn't know it was universal to boys!

Megan said...

Yeah! A new post! I was just going to leave a comment that said, "Oh, Laura, where art thou?"

Love that Pace. That is exactly why everyone should have a boy.

Printing Company said...

what happned kids